Physics MCQs

1) What are primary colours?
(A) Colour of the rainbow
(B) Colour in the spectrum of white light
(C) Colour which cannot be produced
(D) Colour found in nature

2) Air bubble in water shines because of the phenomenon of
(A) Dispersion
(B) Refraction
(C) Diffraction
(D) Total internal reflection

3) Sun and the other stars are virtually huge nuclear explosion chambers producing a large amount of heat and light. Yet, we do not hear any of the explosions because
(A) The outer space is an absolute vacuum
(B) Sound waves get attenuated completely before they reach the earth
(C) The process involved in the interior of the sun and the stars relate to atomic and subatomic particles and not molecules and their vibrations
(D) Heat and light are electromagnetic radiations and travel much faster than sound

4) The advantages of AC over DC is that
(A) It contains more electrical energy
(B) It is free from voltage fluctuations
(C) Its generation cost is much less
(D) It can be transmitted over long distance with minimum power loss

5) What is the minimum escape velocity (the speed necessary to counter earth's gravity and to break away from earth into outer space) required for a rocket to be launched in outer space?
(A) 5 km per sec
(B) 6 km per sec
(C) 11 km per sec
(D) 20 km per sec

6) Which of the following device is used to step up or step down the voltage of alternating current?
(A) Induction coil
(B) Transformer
(C) Transistor
(D) Rectifier

7) The spherical shape of a small drop of rain is due to
(A) Viscosity
(B) Surface tension
(C) Atmospheric pressure
(D) Gravity

8) The blue colour of the sky can be attributed to
(A) Differential scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere
(B) Total internal reflection of the sunlight by the atmosphere
(C) Absorption of sunlight
(D) Refraction of sunlight by the atmosphere

9) Which one of the following sets of properties are relevant for an electrical fuse wire needed for normal application?
(A) Thick wire, high melting point alloy, short length
(B) Thick wire, low melting point alloy, large length
(C) Short length, low melting point alloy, thin wire
(D) Large length, low melting point alloy, thin wire

10) Ice floats on water because the density of ice is less than that of water, Out of the following what part of giant icebergs remains above water?
(A) 1/10
(B) 1/4
(C) 1/2
(D) 3/4

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